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      1. Brucefox547

        hey lex i can’t seem to get all anything ghost episode to play on any thing on vip can i play them all on itunes i just got a macbook 10.7.5 lion laptop need help and can i connect all vip episodes to itunes or anywhere else

  1. JediFisch

    Love the new site Lex… Great Work… just like the podcast!

      1. Brucefox547

        not even on this site they play

  2. Ram

    Very excited to see the continued growth of AG!

  3. kiddblue45

    hey Lex
    thanks for all the hard work. your show is still the best ever. Thank you

  4. SpookyRaea

    Awesome job! Looks great and easy to navigate. Also, I’m really excited to be able to listen to the very first episodes. 🙂

  5. MickeyTheMoo

    Just wanted to join the guys here in saying you’re doing a great job Lex.
    Thanks for literally hundreds of awesome AG shows!

  6. Dandy

    Geat job, Lex! I was glad to give a little in support! least I could do for how often you have kept me company at work. Everything looks good and has been working well!

  7. Ghost on the Machine

    Lex !

    We are so honored that we can sign up and support your show you got me through IRAQ BERUT AFGAN MEXICO since 2007 .
    My and my Fiancée are thankful

    1. lex

      Cool! Thanks so much! And congrats on the finacée

  8. megamatty

    This is amazing. Just signed up as v.i.p member! Cant wait to dig into all the old stuff.

  9. DC

    Hi Lex,
    I really have enjoyed the stories sent in by Connie from Canada (not sure of the town). My favorite is when she and a friend were working in the video store.

  10. Northwest Hope

    Thanks for putting the audio player in on the archives. It’s very convenient for me as I listen for hours at a time while working.

  11. swenzel

    I love the show! Fairly new VIP member but have been listening for a few years. Now all I need is to get some of my experiences on the show. Thanks for all your hard work. Sybil.

  12. STrigueiro

    Hi Lex – just wanted to say love the podcast! It helps me get through my long days at work 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work!

  13. Angie baby

    Helloooooo, can’t wait to access the earlier episodes.! I may even post my own eerie tales 🙂

  14. JediFisch

    The VIP site keeps getting better and better … worth every penny …

  15. Mamarindge

    Hi Lex!
    I discovered Anything Ghost approximately 2 weeks ago– I have already blazed through the 10 free episodes on the podcast & am now a VIP, getting to the old stuff. Thanks for an amazing show– I hope I NEVER have a story to share!! 😀😟

  16. Chris

    Lex, thank you for providing such an amazing podcast. Congratulations on, 10 years of Anything Ghost.

  17. markaj505

    Lex awesome show ive been listening for a while from albuquerque new mexico i did listen to all the shows you had posted on the page and i loved them and wanted more so i became a vip member to listen to all the old shows and its well worth it thanks again lex for a great podcast

  18. Mamarindge

    Hey Lex, wondering if there is a glitch in the archive files? Each time I select an episode, it only gets about 2 minutes in, and then goes back to the beginning…. Any ideas what I should do?

    1. lex

      Hi Mamarindge. That’s because you’re probably on an iPhone or iPad while clicking on the “individual links” below the player.

      The players I have at the top of each archive page work for iPhone/iPad users (as well as everyone else).

      The individual links below the player, I’ve added for those who want to download the episodes.

      Here’s the problem: Apple mobile products don’t permit downloading mp3s. So when you click on one of the “direct download” links, your iPhone thinks it is streaming but the website thinks your phone is downloading…so after the website says, “Okay. The file is done downloading,” your iPhone goes back to the beginning to stream it again (depending on the file size, in about 2 minutes).

      In other words, you’ll have to use the player at the top of each archive page to listen to the episodes on Apple mobile products.

      Whew. That was a long explanation.

  19. Mamarindge

    Lex! You’re the best, THANK YOU!!! Xoxo 😊

  20. Marcus

    Very happy to have found this podcast. Keeps my ears busy while working. Thank you lex! Keep em coming.

  21. lex

    Thanks Marcus! That’s why I always loved podcasts: put on the headphones and work. 🙂

  22. tdpearsall

    Thanks Lex. Your Podcast is Awesome!

  23. HocusPocus

    I’m part of the best group. Love listening to this podcast. When I board at work, I can now go back and listen to older shows.

  24. Bethmc

    Hi Lex,
    I just joined the VIP club because I don’t want to ever run out of episodes. I listen to the show when I go to sleep at night. The stories take my mind off of the cares of the day and takes me somewhere else. Thank you so much for all you do and keeping it affordable!

    Beth from Boston

    1. Lex Wahl

      Thanks Beth! Hope the archives are helping to while away the hours! ~Lex

  25. Allyhunt91


    I am a first time listener and long time fan of all things paranormal. Being a radio personality For a living Perpetuates my criticism of most podcasts; but your show fully radiates the true origin of theater of mind. And, you composing the music beds and sound effects only impresses me further. Keep it up, stud! I felt no qualms about paying more for your comitment and talent. Being a woman myself I prefer the female narrator; but you, sir, pleasure my ears. Can’t wait to dig through the archives!

  26. Lex Wahl

    Thanks Ally!! With those great compliments in mind…avoid the early shows. 😀

  27. stevewhitfield

    I’ve been an avid listener since 2008; in fact, I am author of The Ghost of Airline Road, which aired on the 2008 Halloween Special. That’s show #76.
    Lex is a talented show host, and I am so glad I joined the VIP group. I love listening to the shows. Thank you for the thrills and wonderful entertainment Lex.

  28. Greyman

    Hey Lex. Love the show its shows how deverse people experiences are. I work security at night so the show it great for me. ( fires me up for old heritage sites I need to check.) Again great show, I should drop you a couple of my own experiences. The crying ghost, My sisters Shadow. Mum and Grand.

    1. Lex Wahl

      Thank you for the insight, Greyman!

  29. Black Shuck

    Hello Lex. Lots of catching up to do. Poor health unfortunately, but struggling on. Thanks for all you do. Dave. 🙂

  30. Lex Wahl

    Sorry to hear about your health. Hope it’s nothing serious. Take care! ~Lex

  31. Chris Waite

    Dear lex, love the show and I want to support it in any way that’s why I decided to become a VIP member. But, instead of the twenty dollar fee I was charged fourty and I still cannot access your old shows which is what I really wanted. I only have a kindle fire . Is there no ap for android products? Am I doing something wrong? I feel kind of ripped off.please help me. I will continue to listen and love your show.
    Thank you, Chris Waite.

    1. Lex Wahl

      Hi Chris. I’ll look at the billing. Sorry, I’m not sure about KindleFire’s capabilities.
      If your product works online, you should be able to download the files (if the audio player isn’t working).

  32. Chris Waite

    Thank you!!!
    Our A.G. -I.T guy.
    Lex himself!
    Thanks for all the help
    I got the archives up and running.
    Can’t thank you enough.
    Take care.
    Chris Waite

  33. Myers13skulls

    Thank you LEX!
    While I’ve “Not Yet” had a solid paranormal experience, i am a firm believer. Soon after discovering your podcast, I knew I needed access to the full archive, for my night time listening habits.

    Thanks for the hard work and dedication!

  34. JosetteDuPres

    HEY Lex! I’M ON!!!!
    I think ( hope ) I got it figured out !!! Am listening now and so enjoying the past episodes. Thank you so much for your help!

  35. sabroso

    hello Lex,sorry but I hope you can help me, I just subscribe to your site, and I am trying to listen to your program/podcast thru the podcast app on my iPhone but it only shows episodes 234 -242, and I can’t find any way to sign in, or listen to more episodes. any help will be greatly appreciated.

  36. Alzrad

    This is awesome man! Thank you for putting this archive together and for your continuous efforts in storytelling and music. It is such a special treat to be able to go back through all of these fantastic shows!


  37. KirkwoodRising

    Hey i want to listen at work but get horrible service, cant stream it from my desktop due to company policy. Do you have a user URL link for the VIP members that i can put into my Overcast pod player and itll generate the VIP episodes to listen to from the podcast app? Other Podcasts that use Patreon do this and it works perfect. Do you have this capability?

  38. Brucefox547

    Hi lex how’s it going how’s your holidays going when is the next early release gonna be released or the next episode and love everything you do I sent you some emails did you get them and sorry for so many I didn’t think you got them is it alright to ask for the favor for my birthday that’s all I want and I’m done bugging swear on the holy bible cross my heart hope to die just this last favor and I’m done asking

  39. Draco1214

    Hi Lex, been listening for years and finally got around to joining the group. Thanks for all your podcasts; you have gotten me through a lot of long drives! Take care!

    1. Lex Wahl

      Thanks Draco, hope you enjoy!!

  40. David

    I’ve listened to other paranormal podcasts and Anything Ghost is really the best. Lex has created a simple and straightforward program with great music and ambience. I’ve been a listener since 2014 and I’ve gone through all of the archive.Whenever I listen to the show, it feels like home to me. Thanks Lex and listeners for submitting all the great stories over the years!

  41. Leney

    How come i can’t listen to older podcasts?

  42. Tommyd

    Dear Lex, Thank you very much for your patience, time and understanding.
    Truly means more then you might imagine , more then I could express
    in words. A fan for life, Tommyd

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